2 May 2016
Importance of SEO
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the term used to describe increasing traffic to your site. There are a variety of ways to increase SEO, which are listed below:
- ALT TAG: Tagging your photos with a proper ALT tag
- QUALITY CONTENT: Write content for your visitors, not for the search engine. Search engines, like google, are moving toward being familiar with language meant for users.
- SITE SPEED: The faster your site loads, the more search engines will pick it up
- MOBILE RESPONSIVENESS: Responsive design is ideal for mobile optimization.
- INTERNAL LINKING: Linking to other sites within your body copy gives users more reading material, improves your ranking for certain keywords, and helps make your site trustworthy by allowing Google to crawl and index the links on your site
- META DESCRIPTIONS: Meta descriptions are short descriptions of a page that increase the chances people will click on your link.
- TITLE TAG: Short description of your site within the head tags that are in the search engine results. These should be the most important words in your site description.
- DOMAIN NAMES: It is best to have a domain free of hyphens, to use sub-directory root domains (tellygrobstein.com/prompts/seo) instead of subdomains (seo.tellygrobstein.com), and to make sure that if you advertise your site without the www. that your site is still accessible with it, otherwise it will be categorized as two different sites
- HEADLINES: Be sure they are short, concise, and to the point. Avoid headlines that are "bait", or that promise content that isn't there.
- SOCIAL MEDIA: Being involved in as many social media channels as you can keep up with is also vital. It's important to update these channels in a genuine manner instead of just having a presence, as it is more meaningful.